Heel & Crank Duathlon

Heel & Crank Duathlon

3 mi run / 16 mi bike / 3 mi run

June 7, 2025

Keep an eye out for details coming soon for the 2025 event! This year is looking to be one of our best years yet.  Also note the new race date, 

What an amazing race this year! We had 142 athletes compete this year. Keep an eye out for registration opening later this year! 

2024 Photos: https://www.werunracephotos.com/WRH/2024-Events/2024-Heel-Crank

2024 Results: https://www.racetecresults.com/results.aspx?CId=20003&RId=433

Start your training for 2025’s Heel and Crank! 



The Heel & Crank Duathlon is a very popular duathlon in Alabama that is put on by the Team Rocket Triathlon Club. This race is not USAT sanctioned as we are trying to reduce costs to beginners and allow recumbent cyclists.

If you missed it, check out the nifty race video we made:

Race Changes from 2014-2023

Heel and Crank will still NOT be a USAT sanctioned race in 2024 because we love recumbent bicycles. We also want to be able to open the race up for racers who may not be able to ride conventional bicycles.
Due to the number of amazing and popular regional races in early May, we’ve decided to move the race back into April to give as many people the chance to participate as possible without conflicting with those popular races. Late April should be a happy balance between spring weather, and open calendar spot!

Schedule of Events – Expect Edits

Packet Pickup: April 26 
Fleet Feet MADISON at 10AM-6:00PM (Please note location: 181 Hughes Road)

Race Day: Saturday, April 27

6 am – 7:30 am Packet Pickup around the Mooresville Brick Church  (Moorseville, AL)

7:45 am Transition Area Closes

8:00 am  Race Starts

9:30 am – 11 am Music, Hot Food, and Cold Drinks

10:30 am:  Awards

Refund/Transfer Policy

No refunds allowed.

Help Us Donate to the Alabama ALS Chapter and to the Muscular Dystrophy Association:

The Heel & Crank Duathlon raises money and awareness for ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease). This charity was chosen because of the late Darin Kruse, one of our local triathletes and friend, who lost a 3-year battle with ALS. The  Muscular Dystrophy Association was chosen to help fund a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a disease that strikes children.

Course Description

Run 1 (3 miles) is an out-and-back course. The first (quite short) part of the run will be on paved roads through Mooresville with the remainder of the run being on a crushed gravel road/dirt running through Wheeler Wildlife Refuge. There will be a single aid-station on the run course, at the turnaround

Click here for the GPS Run#1 Course Map

You will then enter transition, go to your bike, run it to the mount line, then proceed to enjoy a bike through beautiful East Limestone County on smooth pavement. The bike course has been redesigned this year to eliminate one stretch of deteriorating road. The new bike course (16.7 miles) will be marked and have volunteers at the major intersections. The bike course is mostly flat, but will have a few “rollers”. The bike course will not have any aid stations, but will have sag wagon for any bicycle mechanicals.

Click here for the 2022  Bike GPS Course Map

Upon completion of the bike portion, you will enter transition (dismounting at the marked line), rack your bike in the exact same location, then head out on run 2, which is very similar course to the first run.

Click here for the updated Run #2 Course Map


All parking (spectator and racer alike) will be on the Old Hwy 20. Absolutely NO PARKING on Mooresville city streets.

Bike racks are available on a first come, first serve basis.

Please be considerate of your fellow athletes while racking your bike. Don’t be a “rack hog”, and whatever you do, don’t mess with someone else’s stuff. If you have issues with someone else and their bike racking, please see the race director and let me resolve any problems.

Make sure ALL HANDLEBAR ENDS ARE PLUGGED. If you have open ends, you will not be allowed on course. There will be bike mount and dismount lines, no riding in transition. Your helmet must be on (properly) and buckled before you get to the bike mount line. It must remain on and buckled until AFTER crossing the bike dismount line.


We will have the award ceremony at the race site this year. 

You must be present to accept your awards, or arrange to have someone pick them up for you. I will not mail awards.

  • Awards will be given 3-deep in;- Overall, male and female- Masters, male and female- Relays (Male, Female, Co-Ed)- Age groups, male and female- Clydesdale (male over 220 lbs)- Athena (female over 165 lbs)- Fat Tire: Male/Female (This category is for those competing in on bikes with a tire width of at least 1.5 inches and have no aero bars (i.e. Mountain Bikes).


Click here to see all past race results


Click Here!

Good luck to all of you, and please remember the cause of this race. Also, we want everyone to have a great day and a great race. Please take a second to thank the volunteers and support folks you’ll find out there. We can’t hold races without lots of help! If you’ve got family and friends who would like to help out on race day, please send them the volunteer link!

Race hard, and race safe!
Donna Ruiz
(race director)




